Friday, January 4, 2008

43 - orthopedics MCQs - 51 to 60

51 - the abnormality seen in rocker bottom foot is ?

a- congenital vertical talus
b- overcorrection of the CTEV
c- small calcaneum
d- presence of accesory navicular bone
e- amniotic constriction bands

both a and b are the correct answers.


52 - infarction of the distal epiphysis of the second metatarsal bone is called ?

a- kienbock's disease
b- kohler's disease
c- freiberg disease
d- perthe's disease

answer is c. osteochondritis .


53 - metaphyseal lesions commonly seen are

a- metaphyseal frxs
b- osteomyelitis
c- osteosarcoma
d- ewing's sarcoma
e- giant cell tumor

answers are a , b and c .


54 - trendelenburg sign is seen in palsy of which nerve ?

answer is superior gluteal nerve .


55 - accesory navicular is called ?

a- os trigonum
b- os tibiale internum
c- os tibiale externum
d- os navicular

answer is c . os tibiale externum .


56 - blue sclerae and multiple fractures are seen in ?

a- osteoporosis
b- osteopetrosis
c- osteogenesis imperfecta
d- osteosclerosis

answer is c . osteogenesis imperfecta


57 - rheumatoid arthritis most commonly causes ?

a- pericarditis
b- endocarditis
c- myocarditis
d- pancarditis

answer is a . pericarditis .


58 - x ray features of osteosarcoma ?

a- sun-ray appearance
b- codman's triangle
c- soap bubble appearance
d- onion peel appearance
e- new bone formation

answer is a , b and e .


59 - metastatic tumors are least common in ?

a- pelvis
b- ribs
c- small bones of lower limb
d- vertebra
e- skull

answer is c.


60 - congenital dislocation of the hip most common in which race?

a- western race
b- negros
c- india
d- china

answer is a .

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