Friday, January 4, 2008

47 - orthopedics mcqs - 71 to 80

71 - ortolani's test is done for ?

a- congenital dislocation of the hip
b- similar to the second part of barlow's test
c- rheumatoid arthritis
d- traumatic dislocation of the hip
e- tuberculous arthritis

answer is a and b .


72 - what is galeazzi sign ?

answer : in congenital dislocation of hip when the level of knees are compared with hip flexed to 70 degrees and knees flexed . there is lowering of the knee on the affected side .


73 - which of the following is not the cause of osteoporosis ?

a- corticosteroids
b- alcohol
c- heparin
d- oestrogen therapy

answer is d .


74 - turn - o - plasty is used in the treatment of which of the following tumors ?

a- osteosarcoma
b- osteoclastoma
c- osteochondroma
d- osteoblastoma
e- chondrosarcoma

answer is b . osteoclastoma also called as GIANT CELL TUMOR .

treatment options of osteoclastoma are:

a- curettage with bone grafting
b- curettage with bone cementing
c- curretage with cryotherapy
d- excision followed by bone grafting or turn o plasty or custom made prosthetic replacement .


75 - positivity of rheumatoid factor in patients with rheumatoid arthritis ?

a- 70 %
b- 80 %
c- 90 %
d- 100 %

answer is b . 80 %


76 - most common site of spinal TB ?

a- cervico thoracic
b- thoraco lumbar
c- lumbosacral
d- sacro coccygeal

answer is b . thoraco lumbar


77 - senile osteoporosis will radiologically manifest only when greater than what percent of the skeleton is lost ?

a- 20 %
b- 30 %
c- 40 %
d- 60 %

answer is c . greater than 40 %.


78 - following are giant cell variants except

a- aneurysmal bone cyst
b- chondromyxoid fibroma
c- brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism
d- glomus tumor

answer is d .---- a , b , c are giant cell variants


79 - physaliferous cells ( large vacuolated cells ) on histopathology are characteristic of ?

a- chordoma
b- osteosarcoma
c- osteoclastoma
d- liposarcoma
e- chondrosarcoma

answer is a . in greek language physalis means a bubble . i still wonder y almost every word is derived from either greek or latin .


80 - a diet deficient in calcium will most commonly result in ?

a- osteomalacia
b- hypocalcemia
c- osteoporosis
d- osteitis fibrosa
e- rickets

answer is c .

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